We are seeking weekend waiting staff to join our friendly team, offering great service and 100% customer focus. Good customer skills are a must – experience preferred but not essential, as training will be given.
Please email or drop in your CV.
To whom it may concern, my name is Lauren Newlove I am writing to see if there are any available places for weekend work or evening work. I am currently at The Colne Community School in year 11 and I will be leaving school in two weeks’ time.
I have excelled in studying Health and Social Care, Citizenship and Business Enterprise. These subjects have defiantly helped me improve my people skills that I use in everyday life.
I feel that I’m an organised, reliable and trustworthy person and punctuality is one of my greatest qualities.
I once took charge and got involved with a business enterprise activity with a team of students in my school to raise money for and raise awareness for Cancer Research UK. This activity gave me valuable teambuilding skills and helped me to become more comfortable and confident with others and working in a team.
I consider myself to be a conscientious, hard working person, willing to learn new and varied skills. I have a good sense of humour and am able to relate easily to others. I am a very reliable person and I am very organized. I endeavour to treat others respectfully at all times, and I’m able to use my own initiative when required.
Kind regards,
Lauren Newlove
Contact: 07964374172
Please send us your CV.We are recruiting now.
Kind regards
Corina, simt nevoia sa-ti las o imbratisare virlauta.Una tacuta in care cuvintele nu-si prea au rostul. Alaturi de gandul ca oriunde ar fi cei dragi nostri, fie ca mai sunt sau nu in trup, intr-un fel ne privesc zambind asa cum zambeste tatal fiicei in poza asta.
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During our trip to England a few months ago we visited Canterbury (beautiful place!) It was amazing (and sad) how many times we saw signs indicating that things had been destroyed under Henry VIII.
Thanks for sharing, I grew up of mixed heritage as well, my mother is Samoan and my father is German. I have to tell you that I never realized I was e&0;diff2rent2#8221; until a kid made a comment at Church. Maybe realizing I was different was not the issue but more than realizing how other people viewed my mother.
Seriously, you need to hire an official photographer to follow you around for the purposes of this blog and do nothing else but photograph your food BEFORE you eat it, lol.
Let’s tell New England farmer jokes instead of thinking about the economy . . . only if we can balance them with Texas rancher jokes.Actually, they usually involve both, with the Texas rancher being the butt of the jokes.
To whom it may concern.
I would be extremely keen to be considered for weekend waiting staff positions that you may have.
I am extremely well organised and very reliable and especially good with people. I am 16 and in the 6th form at Brentwood Ursuline. I live in Maldon .
I look forward to your reply.
Louise Barrett. 07980 40 60 96 mobile